Missing texture for Alloy Furnace recipes
GirafiStudios opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I was looking around in NEI, and discovered that the alloy furnace recipe page was missing texture :3
Picture of the issue: http://gyazo.com/f506c17e1889f76c901ad5dd10ff82da
Duplicate of #45
I also have this. Thought it was fixed before but I guess its back? Texture name changed?
I was told by Quetzi to report this @DrSoda. And what you're linking to is a closed bug report, where it says it have been fixed :3
And i'm using version 0.1.627, i should probrably have said that, yeah :3
Yeah this does still happen with build 630, @Quetzi :/
@GirafiStudios well it should've been fixed before it was closed.