BoatOverhaul [Fabric]

BoatOverhaul [Fabric]


Boat UI Double Image when using Advanced Compass Mod

SirChamomile opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello! I love your wonderful mod. I seem to have found a mod conflict that does something weird to the display of the UI when using the Advanced Compass mod. I've attached an image showing the issue.

2023-05-12_01 11 51


What version were you using?


Forge - 43.2.4


AdvancedCompas-forge-1.19.2-1.2.14.jar BoatOverhaul-Forge-1.19.2-2.0.0.jar Forge - 43.2.4

I couldn't locate the problem currently on my side. Did you report it to Advanced Compass's author?


I'll do some additional testing first. While it was the compass mod that did cause the issue, it could be in combination with another mod that I was running. I made sure that optifine, physics pro, or better third person weren't the culprits, which is what I assumed was causing the issue in the first place. I will let you know if I find out more information, and if I don't, I'll reach out to the other author for follow up.


I'll do some additional testing first. While it was the compass mod that did cause the issue, it could be in combination with another mod that I was running. I made sure that optifine, physics pro, or better third person weren't the culprits, which is what I assumed was causing the issue in the first place. I will let you know if I find out more information, and if I don't, I'll reach out to the other author for follow up.

Thx. I'll also keep an eye on it.