


Local Chunk Generation for Unvisited Areas

SnowSquire opened this issue · 7 comments


It would be nice if bobby could generate chunks using the seed of a server if its known, this way you can always have a consistent render distance.


This can introduce a lot of glitches and conflicts. How do you know those areas weren't loaded on the server and modified by someone?


How do you know any of the cached chunks weren’t modified by someone else? The whole mod is about making assumptions to give a fake increased render distance


I think it does do this, if you have a local singleplayer world called "bobby fallback" like the mod description says, but the current problem is that as far as I can tell, it's a global fallback, so every server will show those for un-seen chunks (even if it's a totally different server)


It doesn't generate chunnks, just uses the already generated chunks of the world. Which makes it kinda useless in my opinion


I was honestly wondering if this was a glitch on my end... Am I really meant to only be able to see 3-4 chunks when I load in a world before I move?

It would be amazing if it worked like normal chunk generation, creating a circle with a 64 or 128 etc chunk radius around the player, and unloaded chunks when they were no longer within this disk. That was the implementation I expected from the mod's page, and frankly I'm still not entirely convinced it doesn't do that, but currently IDK how to configure it to do so.

2023-11-27_00 17 45

Attaching an example image as again, this seems like unintended implementation, but it might just be how it's meant to work?


@Its-Just-Luci the mod doesn't generate chunks. It only caches them locally, so it loads already explored chunks before the server sends them to you. But if you have a seed of the world, you could play around with "bobby fallback" that was mentioned in the mod description.


Going to close this because local background chunk generation is a lot more tricky than one would expect, so it's unlikely to ever happen.