


doesn't work on rtx 4000

topneon opened this issue ยท 6 comments


as i said it works only with rtx 16xx 20xx and 30xx


as i said it works only with rtx 16xx 20xx and 30xx

Do you plan to add support for the RTX 4000 series? I love this mod and it looks incredibly cool but I'm disappointed that does not support the graphics card I have.


Bobby does not care about which GPU you use. It only stores/loads chunks to/from disk. The actual displaying of the chunks is left to the regular game code (or Sodium / Nvidium / whatever other renderer you use).

If you've got Nvidium installed, then it might be that your older cards were not supported by Nvidium and so it didn't do anything, but your newer card is and so Nvidium is now active. And Nvidium might not work with Bobby, idk, I can't test it because I don't have a supported card.


It works perfectly fine for me (RTX 4070)


It works perfectly fine for me (RTX 4070)

do you use nvidum or what


It works perfectly fine for me (RTX 4070)

do you use nvidum or what

Yes I do


Nvidium is not something I currently officially support. For any issues with it, please contact its author.