


Bobby has stopped storing new chunks intermittently.

BrodyAustin opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have been using Bobby on a 1.20.1 server and have recently had some issues with Bobby not storing new chunks.
Initially it was working fine but now nothing new is being saved.

The server I play on uses several different worlds with regional based resource packs but Bobby is seemingly handling that fine.

I've been trying to diagnose this but haven't found anything that works. Looking at the file structure I see a lot of .mca files that are 0kb in size, is this normal?

Does lack of storage space effect this at all? I have 50 GB free so I don't think that would do it but maybe theres some limit or something.

Any ideas on what is going on?

Thanks in advance!


Do you have any other mods? I've been having a similar issue on a 1.19.2 server and it's a compatibility issue with a mod, unsure which one