Borderless Mining

Borderless Mining


I think this mod can work without the Fabric API

Sanluli36li opened this issue · 1 comments


I don’t see anything in the code that calls Fabric API Mod.
So I tried to edit the fabric.mod.json in the release version, remove the fabric dependency and put it in the mods directory without the Fabric API. It seems to be working perfectly

"depends": {
    "fabricloader": "\u003e\u003d0.7.2",
    "minecraft": "~1.16-alpha.20.12.a"

So I think we can remove the fabric dependency. In this way, I don't need to install Fabric API in my client.


If I remember correctly, it uses fabric-resource-loader (a module in the API) to load translation strings in the config screen. I'll see if I can make it bundle just fabric-resource-loader so there's no dependency on the entirety of Fabric API.