Bosses of Mass Destruction

Bosses of Mass Destruction


table of elevation has chunk based detection

GanerCodes opened this issue · 2 comments


I have the radius set to max and noticed my flight drops out lopsided compared to the table. Turns out this happens at a chunk border. After staring at code for a sec i foujnd the issue

basically you're only checking the border and center, so 32 radius is 2 chubnks away

idk kotlin but the solution is prob would look like

val r = tableOfElevationRadius.toInt();
val j = r / 16 + 1;
for (x in -j..j) {
    for (z in -j..j) {
        blockToCheck.add(BlockPos(x * r, 0, z * r))

Is this still being maintained / is this still being worked on as i can see this is an issue present in Prominent 2: RPG


Should be fixed in 1.10.2