Conflict With the Ritual of Gaia B/T Botania and Natural Pledge (please read)
Shibva opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Greetings, Yes I am aware that this is NOT the proper formatting for Bug reports; however this is not a bug, its more of an issue
When you Made changes to the Gaia Ritual arena to counter cheesing, you made it impossible for the Ritual of Awakening from Natural Pledge to be preformed due to the structure being registered as Invalid because of the 4 Divine Ritual Cores that Exist 2 block above the beacon base.
Because of this, the ritual cannot be preformed.
but after surveying the code, I have discovered that you have a Cheaty blocks line in it that includes Open Blocks Bear traps
With this in mind I was Wondering if you could add the Divine Ritual Core from Natural Pledge to this list. Doing this will fix this issue with the Awakening ritual and allow for both mods to work once more,
its a Simple fix and Thank you for your time
For reference to the issue the Version of Botania that this issue exist is version Botania r1.10-362.jar
oh and this is for NaturalPledge-r3.1.2.jar (Currently the latest Version at this time)