Botania (Fabric/Quilt)

Botania (Fabric/Quilt)


Corporea Crystal Cube Incorrectly Displays Block Counts Greater than One Million

pcrain opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Mod Loader


Minecraft Version


Botania version


Modloader version

Fabric: Loader 0.14.18 + API 0.58.0

Modpack info

No response

The latest.log file


Issue description

Very niche bug, but there's an issue in the render() method of CorporeaCrystalCubeBlockEntityRenderer that is incorrectly counting and displaying block sizes greater than one million: vazkii-bug-counting

This is the offending bit of code in It's checking against 10 million rather than 1 million.

		if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
			int count = cube.getItemCount();
			String countStr = "" + count;
			int color = 0xFFFFFF;
			if (count > 9999) {
				countStr = count / 1000 + "K";
				color = 0xFFFF00;
				if (count > 9999999) { // possibly an extra 9 here unless "1234K" is preferred over "1M"
					countStr = count / 10000000 + "M"; // definitely an extra 0 here, should be 1000000
					color = 0x00FF00;

Steps to reproduce

  • Link Corporea Sparks up to inventories whose sum of blocks is between one and ten million
    • Numbers are rendered as XXXXK (e.g., 1,234,567 items become "1234K" rather than "1M")
    • Not sure this one's actually a bug since normal items count up to 10,000 before switching to the "K" format
  • Link Corporea Sparks up to inventories whose sum of blocks is over ten million
    • Numbers are off by a factor of 10 (e.g., 12,345,678 items becomes "1M" rather than "12M")

Other information

Great mod btw, probably have hundreds of hours sunk into it Botania this point. ๐Ÿ˜„