Botania Tweaks

Botania Tweaks


NoClassDefFoundError involving agglomeration recipes

misterplus opened this issue ยท 4 comments


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/blamejared/mtlib/helpers/InputHelper

I just don't know why, crafttweaker only showed this


For now install MTLib, its a library used by some mods to make Crafttweaker integration easier - I thought quat moved away from it here but seems he still has one use left.


For now install MTLib, its a library used by some mods to make Crafttweaker integration easier - I thought quat moved away from it here but seems he still has one use left.

Thanks a lot man, this nearly took me an hour to find out, but I'd rather keep this issue around until a hard dependency was added.


Ah dammit, i will fix this when i get home. Thanks hubry for the diagnosis, I was sleeping x)


Ok this should be fixed in version 1.8.6 which is approving on curse.