Missing/Broken texture. (Purple and Black blocks)
edddyeee opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I have Botania installed in my modpack folder for 1.7.10 and when I go ingame, there are these purple and black blocks. So does anyone know how to fix it. Also there are some items with the name "tile.botania.flower" instead of "flower". So can anyone help me fix my 2 issues?
This repo is for 1.8, not 1.7. 1.7 is maintained by Vazkii and williewillus is only in charge of 1.8. Use the 1.7 version and report issues to Vazkii/Botania.
I already asked him and he said go to github and now your saying ask him. Is there someone else who know how to fix this problem?
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 6, 2016, at 4:21 PM, howtonotwin <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
This repo is for 1.8, not 1.7. 1.7 is maintained by Vazkii and williewillus is only in charge of 1.8. Use the 1.7 version and report issues to Vazkii/Botania.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/104#issuecomment-180874440.
Yes, go to HIS repoisitory. Put an issue on Vazkii/Botania, and close this one, because 1.7 problems don't belong here. Vazkii wants issues there so they can found and tracked without sifting through whatever you were using before.
@yrsegal Oh GitHub, what would we do without out you? ๐