Missing Textures
CJL48 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
As of Beta 0.6.1, running on minecraft forge 1.8.9-, several blocks in botania display a pink and black texture rather than what they should look like. In order of severity:
- Lexica Botania's first person render when held in hand (barely noticeable, only affects 3d render).
- All four varieties of mana spreader's inventory renders are untextured - however, mana spreaders render with the correct texture in world.
- The mana pump, both in world and as shown in inventory.
- The Plains, Mountain, Swamp, and Tiaga petal apothecaries, again both in world and in inventory.
Are most if not all the texture/models errors fixed? I was waiting for most issues to be fixed before adding this to our server. I am by no means being impatient, it is a wonderful thing you have done, taking on this port. Thanks!