Sojourner's Sash step assist not working
BBoldt opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Forge 1761
Step assist has been working fine for me so far, I can check again tonight but the code in that section hasn't changed since 1.7, though I did notice on dires video the other day they were on about something breaking step assist by making blocks a slight bit bigger than normal, so it may not be botania causing it, it's just getting affected by whatever is breaking step assist.
User has mana. It must be something else in my pack triggering the bug, as the guy above said.
The Pioneers modpack (Release 4) - Botania.r1.8-248-unofficial-0.6.2
I crafted up a soujourner's sash and have a +50% filled ring of mana
Not working:
- fall resistance
- step assist
- jump boost
- speed
Step assist works for me.
Fall resistance also works, it's not a big reduction for the sojourner and only is applied when you jump (it was like that in 1.7)
I have now a 100% filled mana ring and step assist still does not work for me...
a buddy of my just confirmed the same (step assist not working) - same modpack/server
Thaumcrafts Boots of the traveller step assist works - soujourner's and globetrotter's step assist does not work...