Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


Mana prism with lens has no effect on mana bursts

mconwa01 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Placed a prism a few blocks in front of a Pulse Mana Spreader (with no lens) attached to a filled Mana Pool, and tried firing the spreader through the prism with a lens attached to the prism. The mana burst was not affected by any lens I tried (basic tinted, potency, velocity, phantom, gravity, entropic, bounce). Each of these lenses worked when attached directly to the spreader instead.

Tested with v0.6.4.2, Forge, Baubles v1.1.3.0.


I accidentally inverted the redstone power check and no one told me til now xP
For now, power the prism with redstone and it should work.
It'll be corrected in the next build