No worldgen when using Realistic Terrain Generation Mod
MJRamon opened this issue ยท 5 comments
With there is no world gen from Botania.
Things like ores, structures etc from other mods (as well as flowers from Biomes'O'Plenty) spawn normally.
Not sure why this is, we generate flowers normally like any other mod
Our event handler is on low priority though
Wasn't the flower generation changed at once point from all over the place to bigger pockets?
Well, I have a lot of mods that generate on surface.
@williewillus What parameter should I crank up in config? I don't want to make big chunks of flowers all over the place, just 1-2 every 8-10 chunks.
So that seems to be the answer then :P
@MJRamon decrease worldgen.flower.patchChance to your liking