Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


Stellar Sky and GoG cause the game to freeze when using /timeset

DrasticDemise opened this issue ยท 7 comments


They probably shouldn't be used together anyway, however I found this interesting bug that causes the game to entirely freeze when using a timeset command. Not 100% positive which mod is causing the issue, but I figured reporting it here is better than not reporting it at all.


can't reproduce so report it at the new repo if you get it to happen again


Can you give the log?


Started a new GOG with latest botania code, latest stellar sky release.
GoG's auroras don't show up but it doesn't freeze


Cannot reproduce


Hmm. I have included BetterFPS however that is the only thing I can think of that would cause this issue in a pack-specific way.


Attempting /time set day with Stellar Sky and no botania sometimes causes a crash too, pretty sure this is nothing to do with botania.


Garden of Glass (as far as I got it) is just a code that tells Boania to load the GoG code. (Not the mod itself doing anything, thus the requirement for Botania)

So, there might be a issue in Botania.. But always, try removing things like Optifine, BetterFPS (FastCraft might affect this too, but I dont know), and then try the same issue. And a log would probably help more than a message