Stellar Sky and GoG cause the game to freeze when using /timeset
DrasticDemise opened this issue ยท 7 comments
They probably shouldn't be used together anyway, however I found this interesting bug that causes the game to entirely freeze when using a timeset command. Not 100% positive which mod is causing the issue, but I figured reporting it here is better than not reporting it at all.
Started a new GOG with latest botania code, latest stellar sky release.
GoG's auroras don't show up but it doesn't freeze
Hmm. I have included BetterFPS however that is the only thing I can think of that would cause this issue in a pack-specific way.
Attempting /time set day with Stellar Sky and no botania sometimes causes a crash too, pretty sure this is nothing to do with botania.
Garden of Glass (as far as I got it) is just a code that tells Boania to load the GoG code. (Not the mod itself doing anything, thus the requirement for Botania)
So, there might be a issue in Botania.. But always, try removing things like Optifine, BetterFPS (FastCraft might affect this too, but I dont know), and then try the same issue. And a log would probably help more than a message