[1.9.4] Solegnolia not working
Xiaminou opened this issue ยท 15 comments
Though I did find a bug in the solegnolia detection algorithm in 1.9, so if this is 1.9.4 the bug's been fixed :P
It is 1.9.4, and I don't mean to be rude, but I will anyway Yrsegal, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't talk!
Updated to Botania-unofficial.r1.8-310 and it's still not working:
Still can't reproduce. Make sure a redstone signal isn't touching the flower which turns it off
Well I guess I'm gonna have to look for mod interactions then.
there's no redstone signal, was my first though, it has mana, and I have tried in multiple places.
just by chance, are you using cauldron or any "optimizing mods/plugins" (besides fastcraft, cofhtweaks and optifine which work fine for this) ?
No, I tried using SpongeForge but it's not compatible with some of the mods.
Now that I've found out it's server side I'm fairly confident it'd be reproductible with botania alone.
Any news on this? have you tried tracking it down? can you re-open the issue until it's fixed please.
I can't track it down because I can't reproduce it. It works perfectly for me.