Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


Loonium and redstone disabling

Hyxaru opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've noticed the Loonium (loot generating flower) continues to work even if a redstone signal is applied to it. Normaly this would disable its functions (Not sure if it would in botania 1.7.10 , but I think it should also prevent the flower from pulling mana from it's associated pool, theoraticly)

This might also apply to other flowers using redstone disabling functions, but I know it works normaly on the rannuncarpus.


Can't reproduce this, had one sat for about 20 minutes in the below setup and nothing has happened with the redstone signal applied with the lever on the right.

2016-01-24_13 50 43


Nevermind can't reproduce it anymore after using the newer version. It still absorbs mana when disabled to fill its bar, but that is not a problem I gues.


ye all flowers will fill their internal buffer even when turned off, that just how vaz made it.