Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


Bowls not turning to Bowl of Water in Skyblock

KaiaKitten opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It appears that when trying to click water with a bowl in Garden Of Glass it does not turn the bowl into a bowl of water, whether clicking on running water, water source block, or under water. I have tried in both single player as well as multiplayer, in creative as well as survival to no avail.

Pebbles did drop from dirt so other SkyblockWorldEvents where working. Petal apothecaries did work with bowels of water as well.

Single player:

  • Baubles-1.8.9-
  • Botania.r1.8-248-MC1.8-eb7a6ae
  • GardenOfGlass (The one you provided)


  • Baubles-1.8.9-
  • Botania.r1.8-248-MC1.8-eb7a6ae
  • GardenOfGlass (The one you provided)
  • ReCubed 1.1-5
  • CustomNpcs_1.8.8_beta(17dec15)

Forge Version for both was:

  • forge-1.8.9-

I was not using Sponge, MCPC, Cauldron or any other Server modifications, just vanilla Forge, --installServer using Forge installer.
