Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


Double chest with double corporea spark

Hyxaru opened this issue ยท 7 comments


When an item is requested from an inventory with two sparks on top of it, like a double chest, more items then requested are drawn from it but the right amount of items are dropped: item loss.

As a sidenote/reminder, in 1.8 item frames can rotate their holding item eight times as oposed to four in previous versions. Additional request multipliers might me required. Right now the block freezes upon getting an invalid request. The game doesn't crash fortunatly.


instead of
1 16 32 64 (then crashes for the rest), we now have

1 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Will be 1 2 4 8 16 32 48 64 in next build


As a small reminder if not already done, the lexica entry might need an update then.


It got one.


Actually, only half of this issue was fixed (item frames)

Can you reproduce the first issue (double sparks) in 1.7?


I can't reproduce the double spark issue.

Have a chest with master spark, then a double chest with two sparks with some cobble in both halves. Both an index and funnel return and deduct the correct amounts


I think there was an issue about the double-chest/double-spark behaviour on Vazkii's GitHub that got closed because you don't need double sparks in the first place.

EDIT: Found it. VazkiiMods/Botania#1545


Closing until further response by assuming OP ran into the above situation