Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


Terrafirma Rod crash

Tim2162286 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


i attempted to use the terrafirma rod in creative, and got a crash. after restarting the world, i gave myself a stack of dirt and a rod of the lands, and got the exact same crash. Unfortunately i was stupid ad deleted my crash logs, but when i will try and remember to replicated the crash and post the log later.


Here is the crash log, I am currently using the FTB Unstable 1.8 pack as a base, but have added a few extra mods.

Looking at the crash log, i believe the crash is happening in this method, but i haven't read through enough of the code to have an idea why the stack variable is null. (possibly stack never gets initialized?)

public void onUsingTick(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, int count) {
        if(count != getMaxItemUseDuration(stack) && count % 10 == 0)
            terraform(stack, player.worldObj, player);

As a side note, I also noticed that the Terra pick now has an even diameter rather than an odd diameter like it used to. not sure if this was intended or not.


yes, logs would be great, along with what build you're using