Botania Unofficial

Botania Unofficial


TC5/Botania -> Botanurgists Inkwell does not work in research table ("out of ink")

Ioandar opened this issue · 7 comments


works fine in Inventory (creating new research note with thaumanomicon)

does not work in research table. table reports "out of ink"

Forge1726, TC5.1.4, Botania.r1.8-248-MC1.8-779cc76


It works just fine, you just have to fill some mana in it first.


@GirafiStudios is that how it used to work in 1.7? Getting a lot of reports that it doesn't work but idk if it's just works as intended :p


it is how it worked in 1.7.


This is actually also present in 1.7. Perhaps you should create a new issue there?

EDIT: Pull request coming Soon™.


just tried again and you are right, it works

I guess I was daydreaming then and did oversee that I still had a filled normal scribing tool in my inventory (so thauminomicon worked) and did not realize that the Botanurgists Inkwell was indeed empty when I put it into the table... herbyderp me then :)

okay, that is how it works them:
I throw a fully filled Inkwell into the mana pool and get an empty Botanurgists Inkwell (that looks like it is full) back that I have to throw again into a mana pool to actually fill it...

In the following picture I have 1 filled and 1 empty in my inventory. which is which? :)

maybe it will help derpies like me to have a more visual 'I am empty' Botanurgists Inkwell?

another idea would be to fill it when you have a mana tablet in your inventory...


@williewillus you can probably close this one now


tyvm, you are awesome!