


Greater Band of Mana not reporting mana correctly after rapidly spending via Rod of the Terra Firma

Nickoladze opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  1. Fill Greater Band of Mana with Mana
  2. Use Rod of the Terra Firma until mana is gone
  3. Greater Band of Mana is now empty, but the blue bar over the XP bar is not empty.

You can see my ring is empty, but the mana bar over my XP is not.

Removing the ring and re-placing it fixes it.


When mana band or grater mana band is in the bauble slot it dosent show up corectly on the exp bar when you drain mana out of it


It seems to work fine when I spend mana slowly, such as when flying with the tiara.

edit: err, nevermind. Seems like it screws up often.


as dragoniil1 said, if the ring is not in your actual inventory, then the mana bar does not update correctly. I can confirm this happens with any item that uses large amounts of mana while the ring is in the bauble slot, I am unsure however if being near a dispersive spark will force the bar to update.

here is logs as of v201

Fml log: