


BotaniaVars.dat placed incorrectly when using symlinks

landaro opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I am running the latest Botania version (219) in a setup where the mods and config folders in my minecraft root directory are not actual folders but symbolic links elsewhere in the file system (ext4): the link targets are respective folders in a local git repo, to track changes.

As a consequence the BotaniaVars.dat file appears not in the minecraft root, but the parent folder of the targets of the symlinks (probably because the "root" is found by taking the parent of the mods or config folder), which here happens to be the git repo. I guess it should be possible to obtain the correct location of the minecraft root from the running java process somehow?

The minecraft setup is otherwise a standard MultiMC instance on Arch Linux.

Note that this is not a game-braking issue, and hence probably of low relevance, but still a nuisance.