


Corporea NEI request unable to handle localised names

midorlo opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Have latest Forge, Botania, NEI on a dedicated Server, connect as a client. Build a minimal corporea setup with Index. Succesfully request an item via NEI(c). Change your language to german and retry. It wont work. Change again to english and it will work again.

This issue is not present on SSP though


@TheWhiteWolves I don't want to complain but is this really #minor to you? A player using localisations for several years is very bound to it. Reverting to english takes tremendously much away from my comfort, missspelling NEI searches etc all the time.


From the Labels I have available yes, the choice is either minor or gamebreaking, its not a gamebreaking bug so it gets a minor label, though i did foget to give it the bug label


This bug is caused by the fact that the server will localize item names separately from the client, so the client might send "1 bloque de diamante" but when the server does stack.getDisplayName() it gets "Block of Diamond". This causes Corporea to not work anytime the server and client don't share a language.
Case in point:
0. Server running using English locale

  1. Have chest with diamond blocks connected to Corporea Index.
  2. Switch language to Spanish.
  3. Request "1 bloque de diamante" (Same thing NEI integration does) -> FAIL
  4. Request "1 Block of Diamond" (Still using Spanish, not English) -> SUCCESS
    Perhaps, as a bandaid, instead of sending the localized name, add support to use unlocalized names? This will allow NEI requests to work, but will still make it difficult to do it manually.

another possible bandaid: packets. แ••( แ› )แ•—


Have we (un)officially removed the challenge against packets?


Naive question from me: Wouldnt it be simpler to build the proper request clientside and then just make it send what the server currently expects?


that's the packet solution.