


Mana Pool Not Accepting Mana

BigFriendlyJakey opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Just started Botania in a new world, but I'm stuck in the early game; I have an Endoflame supporting 2 Mana Spreaders that's target is my mana pool. I've spent about 3 stacks of coal so far, and the Endoflame and both Mana Spreaders are full, but the Mana Pool isn't getting any bursts from the Mana Spreaders. Anything I'm doing wrong?


did you bind the spreader to the pool?
right click the spreader with the wand and see if it has the pool in the HUD.


And make sure nothing is in the way of the spreader, like a torch (at least, I seem to recall it blocking mana bursts).


yeah I did that, the spreader says "mana pool" below it, but no mana's going in


nothing's blocking it either :/


If breaking and replacing the mana spreader doesn't work, could you take a screenshot?

Actually, before that, make sure the spreader is not receiving a redstone signal either.


Breaking & replacing fixed it! Thanks a bunch


Okay I'm sure it's probably me, but now the Runic Altar is doing the same thing. I've tried breaking & replacing both the altar and the spreader, I'm sure they're binded, and on top of this it doesn't respond to the right click from the wand to begin the process, nor a right click from an empty hand to take away the items.