


Reimplement access to accessory slots on trinket case

WebDragon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Version Information

Forge version: forge-31.2.31
Botania version: Botania-r1.15-387.jar

Further Information

When opening the trinket case to adjust what baubles are being worn, I seem to recall that it is supposed to allow for direct access to the accessories slots that you place the baubles in, but I am forced instead to remove an item from the case, close the case, open the bauble slots with G, adjust what is being worn, and then re-open the trinket case to put the other one back inside.

Is this something that was changed ?

Full installed mod list ( installed thru twitch ):

What I expected to happen:
I can move trinkets to and from accessories slots while the trinket case is open.

What happened instead:
The opposite of that.


would be great to put it isa dynamic trinket changing to any or all the trinkets effects depending on which trinkets are inserted into it similar to faro wiltas souls mod for terraria tmod'd


intended, at least for now. Curios has a dynamic number of slots so it isn't as easy as it was before to just display them.

I'll turn this into a suggestion to reimplement it.