


Possible Bergamute compatibility issue.

tomasforsman opened this issue ยท 1 comments



I made this bug report before exploring the issue properly. The issue was not that it didn't work but that I didn't notice since I had so many animals and the muffled sounds were drowned out by all the animals that weren't muffled so the difference in noise level was not what I expected.

Lesson: Explore issues properly before reporting them to mod developers. =)

Mod Loader


Minecraft Version


Botania version


Modloader version

Forge - 36.2.34

Modpack info

The latest.log file

Issue description

Bergamute isn't working.
Only other mod, as far as I can tell, that have a sound muffling device is Immersive Engineering, so might be a compatibility issue with that mod.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run All in one modpack
  2. Get a bunch of animals
  3. Plant Bergamute

Other information

I'm not reporting this because I expect a fix but rather as information in case there are related problems that might warrant a fix or in case you might know of an easy solution or work around for the issue.

Also reporting this to the All in One modpack and to IE.

Also, thank you for all the wonderful years of Botania engineering =)


I would like to apologize for making an erroneous bug report. I made a bunch more Bergamutes and planted and it did indeed work, only not as much as I expected. =)

Thanks again for a wonderful mod =)