


Lexica Botania tutorial not working?.....

SniperHauss89 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hello ^.^, I have attempted multiple times to go through the Lexica Botania tutorial but every every time I click the tutorial button all that appears is the message that tells you to follow the red arrows to learn the basics. That is where the problem is I don't see any red arrows no matter how many times I go back and click on the tutorial start button. I'm not sure this is a bug or if it's not fully implemented yet or what but I really look forward to getting into Botania ^.^ I have a friend that really likes it and knows the ropes but I'm just getting to the point where I want to start. any help is appreciated.

(side note - I'm running r1.5-164 but I know that there is a slightly newer build.)


It doesn't work when you have elven knowledge, that's a known issue.


oh ok well up above I was talking about the one without elven knowledge and it didn't seem to work either....?
EDIT: yeah neither of the Lexica Botania volumes work. and is the elven knowledge one suppose to have the same recipe? I looked at the Lexica Botania section in it and there is only the recipe for the standard one but NEI shows that the recipe for the elven knowledge one is the same? or is it that you have to do certain things to upgrade your Lexica Botania?


Are you using a texture pack? That might also be it, since it doesn't have the new texture. Either way it's bugged with elven knowledge so I'm keeping this issue open to remind me of that.


Ok yes it was my texture pack oddly even know it doesn't affect the Lexica Botania... anyway thank you probably would have taken me awhile to figure that out.