


Memory leak experienced in 170

Alaberti opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I noticed my memory usage climb dramatically when updated to version 170 this morning. I have 4GB allotted to account for shaders and typically see 4.5-5.5GB out of 16 used over extended play. After updating, I noticed memory usage had climbed to an astounding 10GB before minecraft was force-closed.

The only blocks in our world with Botania (this is a fresh world, barely a month old) are a mana pool and the flowers. Returning to 169 solves the issue. Checked with my other players, confirmed they were also experiencing the abnormally high memory usage.

Forge 1307, Botania 170


This would be the commit set that could potentially cause this. Nothing here looks suspicious. Player told me to tell you to get a heap dump.


I need some more info about this. Logs of your server and client, list of mods, cauldron or forge, can you reproduce in singleplayer or with botania only, etc.


Modlist: [Disclaimer, using Fastcraft, Optifine, Gregtech. The first two enable the pack to be playable for most of my players. The third is a request for a specific player, and if he weren't a great friend of mine it wouldn't even be a conversation)

Forge 1307, issue also seems to happen with 169, so I have reason to believe it's not Botania but another mod. Testing will take time but I will start by removing Botania in a few minutes and letting the client run and watch memory usage. It doesn't tend to become noticeable until about 15-20 mins in unfortunately.

Server/Client logs are a little big and have currently frozen Pastebin, so that will also take a little bit. I'll provide them to you fresh with this next test.

commented This is the out of memory error I received. I give Java 4GB and have 16GB total and other than Chrome had nothing significant up.


Better off, does it happen /without/ botania? This is a pretty weird issue :V


Try removing Witching Gadgets.


I'm just now finding time to properly test. I will try to get you the information you're requesting ASAP inbetween real-world stuff. Thank you for your understanding!


Taking out Witching Gadgets keeps it at a pretty steady 3-3.5GB. I had also removed Botania so I will do a confirmation test that it's not related, but it seems like Witching Gadgets is the culprit.


Confirmed as a Witching Gadgets issue then?




169 doesn't exceed 4GB. Last test for 170 again, but I think it's good. I think we found the culprit. Thanks!