Botanical Addons

Botanical Addons


TC aspects for everything

yrsegal opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I love thaumcraft :D


Iridescent Dirt: 2 terra, 1 sensus
Iridescent Sapling: 2 herba, 1 arbor, 1 sensus
Iridescent Log: 4 arbor, 1 sensus
Iridescent Planks, Stairs, Slabs: 1 arbor
Iridescent Grass: 1 herba, 1 aer, 1 sensus
Iridescent Leaves: 1 herba
Blaze Kindling: 4 pannus, 2 ignis, 2 praecantatio
Dendric Suffuser: 8 Arbor, 8 Praecantatio, 4 fabrico
Item Platforms: 1 metallum, 1 arbor
Thunderous Log: 4 arbor, 1 tempestas
Thunderous Leaves: 1 herba
Thunderous Oak Sapling: 2 herba, 1 arbor, 1 tempestas
Thunderous Planks, Slabs, Stairs: 1 arbor
Livingwood Funnel: 20 arbor, 1 machina, 1 permutatio, 4 vacuous
Infernal Log: 4 arbor, 1 ignis
Infernal Leaves: 1 herba
Infernal Oak Sapling: 2 herba, 1 arbor, 1 ignis
Infernal Planks, Slabs, Stairs: 1 arbor
All alt logs: 4 arbor
All alt leaves: 1 herba
All alt planks, slabs, stairs: 1 arbor

Rod of the Vibrant Plains: 8 instrumentum, 6 terra, 2 aer, 4 praecantatio
Rod of the Thundering Peaks: 8 telum, 8 tempestas, 4 praecantatio
Infernal Twig: 2 instrumentum, 2 arbor, 2 ignis
Thunderous Twig: 2 instrumentum, 2 arbor, 2 tempestas
Any Splinters: 1 arbor, 1 perditio
Flame-Laced Coal: 4 ignis, 2 potentia
Iridescent Seeds: 1 herba, 1 permutatio, 1 sensus
Priestly Emblem: Thor: 5 alienis, 16 tempestas
Priestly Emblem: Sif: 5 alienis, 16 terra
Priestly Emblem: Njord: 5 alienis, 16 aer
All Coats of Arms: 4 pannus
Clerical Colorizer: 8 sensus, 4 metallum
Rod of the Stormy Sea: 8 instrumentum, 6 aer, 2 tempestas, 4 praecantatio
Holy Symbol: 2 pannus, 2 lucrum, 2 alienis
Wilted Lotus: 16 praecantatio, 4 vitium, 2 perditio
Deathly Lotus: 20 praecantatio, 4 vitium, 4 mortuus, 4 alienis, 2 perditio
Rod of the Prismatic Lake: 8 instrumentum, 8 lux, 4 praecantatio


Doesn't Thaumcraft automatically assign aspects to valid logs and leaves?


yeah, but I want to override those


I figured that was the problem.


currently, everything is done but logs and saplings (which are encountering troubles :V)