TODO for 1.18
yrsegal opened this issue ยท 21 comments
- fireproof tree lexicon/oredict registrations
- alt tree recipes
- alt tree lexicon/oredict registrations
- tree textures
- fireproof tree textures
- toolbelt textures
- toolbelt entry
- better tincturem texture
- get the Iridescent Tree to have non-opaque leaves
- comment out schema stuff
The schema block even when finished likely won't be used by the average player. It is part of an unfinished idea anyway. Commenting it out is likely the better option.
L0ne you changed our NEI recipe rendering and didn't test it? :V
I just noticed the background was missing!
I though it was working...I didn't notice the missing background. The reliance on vazkiis code was crashing my Garden of Glass server.
oh and it can't build a list of multiple usage pages.
and how could client code crash your server anyway?
NoClassDef on the CachedRecipe handler client side. Sorry been working on servers all morning and brain futzed out.
@yrsegal Care to update this with what we want to have done for the next update. The textures for the fireproof oak probably need to be better. I've had my fun with them, but my stuff sucks.
toolbelt costs 1 pixie dust (to gate it), 1 chest, 1 rune of Sloth, 4 leather. good cost?