Botanical Addons

Botanical Addons


NEI bug

63502 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The current version of botanical addons causes an error with nei that interferes with nei recipies for thermal expansion.

Also, when I enter or create any kind of singleplayer world for the first time after starting minecraft, the world loads, then immediately shuts down and says "A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated", and the game sends me to the multiplayer menu screen.

I have no idea what caused either of these bugs; only that they vanish when I uninstall Botanical Addons. Also, maybe link this issue tracker on the navigation bar on the curseforge download page? It would make this page a lot easier to find, and most other mods do it already.


it's a known bug. We have it fixed for the next version.

This is the THIRD time it's been reported. :V


ok. I posted in a rush, so sorry for the repeat. :P