Botanical Addons

Botanical Addons


[Suggestion] Sifquoia

Daomephsta opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The Sifquoia(portmaneau of Sif and sequoia) is a biome-changing tree.

  1. Place 4 item displays one block from the bottom log of the tree, with items related
    to the desired biome. The items required to convert to a biome should be minetweakable.
  2. Place a mana pool adjacent to the bottom log.
  3. Right-click the bottom log with a Wand of The Forest, this will cause the tree to consume the items on the item displays
    and begin converting the biome around it(up to 64 blocks away), drawing mana from the pool to do so. If the tree runs out of mana it stops.

Dendric Suffusion:
3 Green Iridescent Leaves
3 Manasteel Ingots
Rune of Sloth
Pixie Dust

Additional Notes:
The leaves do not drop Sifquoia saplings.


I don't particularly like this idea. All the trees are kind of a 'set it and forget it' effect that neither requires mana nor requires player intervention, and they keep providing that effect if you leave them there. Unless @L0neKitsune likes it, I'm not implementing this.