Botany Pots

Botany Pots


[Request] Support for Uberous Soil from Twilight Forest.

seanimusprime opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Having support for the Uberous Soil from Twilight Forest would be great. Basically this soil will instantly cause anything planted on it to be fully grown. I'd try to do a datapack for it, but I have no idea what to do.


{ "type": "botanypots:soil", "input": { "item": "twilightforest:uberous_soil;" }, "display": { "block": "twilightforest:uberous_soil" }, "categories": ["dirt"], "ticks": 1 }


try that


According to this Wiki Uberous Soil gets transformed into regular dirt or farmland after one use. Which begs the questing if @Darkhax wants to support this kind of behavior at all, because it would not be a simple addition but require some adjusting of the mod logic.


I would be fine with this being implemented with different logic, for example making it grow 30% faster than normal. The Twilight Forest devs have expressed interest in adding support themselves however so I will leave this to them.