Botany Pots

Botany Pots


Soil/Seeds disappearing from Pots

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I would like to re-open issue #16

Forge 31.1.36
Botanypot 2.0.5

Only Forge, Jei, MysticalAgriculture and Botany pots mods used

Botany pot ontop of a chest, supremium farmland and spider seeds growing in pot
Save and quit game
Close Minecraft completely
Re-run launcher, Run Minecraft and Load previous world
Soil/Seeds from Botany pots have disappeared
Default configs used

Latest Log (Line 185 is interesting) says Block at Pos 0 0 0, which are not the coords of the botany pot


#16 was fixed by updating to 2.0.6. You're still on 2.0.5.


my bad. what a dumbass, sorry


Same issue on 1.15.2, Forge 31.1.36. Happens with 'Simple Farming' also.