Botany Pots

Botany Pots


Change growth time

Pedro-phd opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Add simple command for chage growth time.
or command for kubejs ?


There are ways to do this with datapacks, or a CraftTweaker option if you want to script it.

// Gets the crop registry
var crops = <recipetype:botanypots:crop>;

// Loop through each cropId in the crop registry
for cropId in crops.recipeMap {

    // This code is ran once for each crop ID in the game.
    // Get the crop data for the current ID, then multiply it's growth
    // time to be 2x the original value.
    crops.getCrop(cropId).growthTicks *= 2;

KubeJS will not be receiving any first party support from me.


@Darkhax Hello, this command not work, would you have another solution?