Botany Pots

Botany Pots


[Suggestion] Seeds to go through different stages of growing

ngoetti opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Currently the seeds just get bigger while growing. Their age is set to a fixed value in "properties": { "age": 7 } // usually 7
Would it be a performance killer to have them go through the stages 1 to 7?


Thanks for the suggestion. There would be no performance impact here. This was an initially planned feature however I put it on the back burner while working over a good way to implement this. Currently the system involves optionally defining an array of render states and giving each state an equal share of the render time. For example if 5 states are defined each state would show for 20% of the growth cycle. The main hold up is considering if the transition ranges should be configurable and if I should make deeper changes to the system to automate this on the back end. This will probably make it into the 1.18/1.19 update.


The main hold up is considering if the transition ranges should be configurable
I don't think this needs to be configurable. Having them go through all the stages they normally would is good enough and should save time while implementing and configuring.


This feature is now available in the new 1.18.2 version.