Botany Pots

Botany Pots


[FEEDBACK] Move to an Item Tag based system for crafting recipes

Bentcheesee opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader



Switching recipes to run off of an Item Tag based system would greatly benefit for modpacks, as well as for basic recipe fetching to be smoother.

There's a lot of extra bulk that seems to be in the recipe system, as (at least from the outside) you essentially create additional internal tags that refer to soils from various places that then branch out to all your different crop recipes that access that same system of internal soil tags.

Using basic Item Tags that already appear in vanilla MC and get highly utilized by modpacks for possible item replacements, it allows the recipe list in viewers such as REI/JEI to be much more compact, while still showing off everything that could work as a Soil.

This attached image is every Oak Sapling recipe for botany. 12 pages for just one tree (currently 34 recipes, three full pages and one spare) seems a little ridiculous.

Separating different tags to different speeds per sapling/flower/crop is a much better for compression.

This was already seen prior in a bug report I made a while ago about recipes not working (I found the issue to it, and it was because I didn't remove those soils as usable soils outside of that tag at that time, so the pots did not know what to do as the recipes were coming from two separate places and conflicting), however if fully implemented across the entirety of recipe operations, it will overall make Botany Pots be nicer to use and smaller in file size (though that second part doesn't matter too much).


Here's another part for just logistics of recipes being under internal tags outputting the same recipes across soils.

Skyroot Saplings being slower on their own grass makes no sense as they can only grow on their own grass/dirt normally



Hello, you bring up a lot of valid issues here. Item tags would definetly be cleaner than categories and would also be more in line with how other recipe systems in botany pots work. The category system predates tags and I just haven't had the time to migrate it over while keeping up with the constant porting. I am rewriting this mod for 1.21 though, and I will make sure to incorporate this feedback.

With JEI, that's more to do with my plugin code being bad/lazy. I want to convey all of the different soil properties to the user, but there is no attempt to consolidate entries so it's just overwhelming to look through. The tag system could help here, but still need a way to convey to players what the best soils are.

As for the skyslime grass, the 0.95 modifier was intentional. The thought process at the time was that the soil is already growing the grass so it would be slightly less efficient at growing the crop. This decision was later reverted, but not all of the mod support has been updated to match.


Would you accept a dedication for changing all the recipes to use a tag system for pre-1.21?

I make a lot of loot table and recipe changes for a lot of things I like to play, like add in compat recipes for a lot of mods, or tweak loot tables to be a little more immersing (like ores having small chances to drop their origin blocks).

What I'm saying is, if I revamp the entirety of your recipes to use a tag system, would you use them and export for earlier versions of the game?

(Though there would have to be a tweak to show the used soil inside the pot instead of the leading tag)


I just thought of how to, as you put it:

still need a way to convey to players what the best soils are

Separate tags for recipes. So much much less shown recipes, but still shows a fast/medium/slow. Other mods can add in their own additional recipe spots, such as Farmer's Delight which adds in the super soils, which would be an ultra fast tag placement. But things like Tinker's slime grass get grouped together under one tag, ores/stone get grouped together, dirts get grouped, grasses get grouped, things like that