[FEEDBACK] 1.21 Support
SildricStormwind opened this issue · 3 comments
Minecraft Version
Mod Loader
Support for 1.21 would be sweet. Just putting it out here to see if it gets any traction.
Darkhax is already working on a 1.21 port
Has there been any further comment on 1.21.1s Progress from Darkhax since July?
it is gonna take time as it looks like he is gonna do/ is doing a complete rewrite of the mod based on other issue[feedbacks] on this github.
I would refrain from pestering him on progress of update as that is very annoying to most, if not all mod developers, the mod will be released when it is published , and most developers want to release a decently flushed out mod, porting always takes time especially when developing for 2-3 mod loaders and they all behave differently. especially more time when you have more than one mod you make, though if he has a discord that would be where you would find the updates.