Botany Pots

Botany Pots


[QUESTION] I can't get Craft Tweaker to recognize Botany Pots

DeadBreadHero opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Here is my code below.

import crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack;
import crafttweaker.api.item.ForgeItemStack;
import crafttweaker.api.recipe.type.Recipe;
import crafttweaker.api.recipe.MirrorAxis;
import crafttweaker.api.mod.Mod;
import crafttweaker.api.mod.Mods;
import mods.botanypots.ZenSoil;
import mods.botanypots.ZenCrop;
import mods.botanypots.ZenFertilizer;

val soils = recipetype:botanypots:soil;
val crops = recipetype:botanypots:crop;
val fertilizers = recipetype:botanypots:fertilizer;

// soils.create(id, input, renderBlock, growthModifier, category);

val ImmWeatheringMulch = soils.create("mulch_block", item:immersive_weathering:mulch_block, blockstate:immersive_weathering:mulch_block, 0.25, [ "mulch" , "dirt" ] );

And I keep getting this error message when I reload:

[ERROR]: Error while compiling scripts: File_Name.zs Could not find type mods.botanypots.ZenCrop

and then similar errors for "ZenCrop" and "ZenFertilizer". I have no clue what I am doing wrong. I copied my code directly from the wiki and then replaced the names of things. I spent forever pouring over it to see where I went wrong, but, frankly, I have virtually no experience with coding. It is all Greek to me. Please help.


I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?


Unfortunately BotanyPots has not had CraftTweaker support since 1.16.5. It's being worked on but the constant update cycle hasn't left us with much time to work on these features. You can use data packs or CraftTweakers built-in data recipe system for now.