Botany Pots

Botany Pots


[Bug // 1.18.2 - 8.1.32] High Tick Usage from Pots

FocalFlare opened this issue · 1 comments



Initial Observation

I feel like I may ask something stupid, so let me ask it at the end and leave you with this:

While using the botany pots in one of my worlds, I noticed that, via Observable, they were taking up a lot of ticks in the world over everything else. So I went into one of my test worlds to do some testing with both the hopper and the regular pots--which I labeled as red and yellow--and proceeded to profile their tick usage with observable. I noticed that the hopper pots use a small amount of ticks when idling, and a crap ton of ticks (exaggeration, I know) when they either have anything in their inventories or are doing something.


The following tests were done using the profiling mod Observable. The most recent profile I saved in the screenshot for the pots being active focuses on only these two pots, but the full profile for the entire world is here:

Active Growth

Here's the tick usage (in us/t) on the pots not doing anything (again, yellow = hopper and red = regular). This is the "reference profile".
2024-08-18_01 15 16

And the tick usage on them while they grow crops.
2024-08-18_01 16 25

No Crops in Pots

Here's what the tick usage of the pots is like when there are only crops in each pot.

No Soil in Pots

Same deal, but this time there's no required soil in each pot.


Again, probably a stupid question because I feel like I'm missing something here, but is this intended or is this something to be looked into? I know I should've opened this as a bug issue, but I'm not too sure whether it's either a bug or it's actually meant for the hopper pot to cause high tick usages like this.

Game Info (related to this issue only)

  • Minecraft version: 1.18.2
  • Forge version: 40.2.21
  • Mod version: 8.1.32
  • Observable version: 2.2.3

Not sure if @Darkhax is already aware of this or not, but I changed "Question" in the title to "Bug" since—after enough time of inactivity on this issie within the last 3 weeks of it being open—I've came to the conclusion that this seems to be something that's not supposed to be intended more than something that is to be intended.