Botany Pots

Botany Pots


Error loading CraftTweaker script - No compatible methods found

JakeMoe opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm trying to add Industrial Hemp as a valid crop for Botany Pots using CraftTweaker. I've tried following the instructions on the Wiki, but I'm still getting a "No compatible methods found" on the create method. I imagine I'm passing invalid object types to the method, but as near as I can work out, I've matched data types. Below is the script I've used, I'm hoping someone can tell me where I've gone wrong.

import mods.botanypots.Crop;
Crop.create("primitus_botanypots:hemp_fiber", <item:immersiveengineering:seed>, <blockstate:immersiveengineering:block/hemp/top0>, 3000, 2, ["dirt"]);
Crop.addDrop("primitus_botanypots:hemp_fiber", <item:immersiveengineering:hemp_fiber>, 1.0, 1, 1);

Finally got it to work. Turns out I needed to use blockstate:immersiveengineering:hemp. It seems to be working now, just slowly, so I'm off to find what the "default" growth rate is for things.


if your using 1.15.2 on the line emp/top0>, 3000, 2, ["dirt"]); remove the 2, it is a change between 1.14.4 and 1.15.2


@zeeoric Cheers for that, that seems to have cleared up that error. But now I can't seem to get the blockstate parameter right. I've looked at the blockstates for industrial hemp here, but when I /reload, it tells me Error creating BlockState!: Could not get BlockState from: <blockstate:immersiveengineering:block/hemp/top0>! Am I passing the wrong resource?