Bounding Box Outline Reloaded

Bounding Box Outline Reloaded


Key config not working ... perfectly

Knito58 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Ok it works but not correctly. Not entirely.
If I config the shortcut to be "F9" instead of "b" that works instantly. Yay!

But then after leaving the game and coming back there's the issue:

The control GUI shows "F9". It seems to know about that fact.
But the game reacts as if "b" was configured and shows outlines on hitting "b", taking preference over my other mod which uses "b".

Going to the controls I erase F9 and set F9 freshly.
Then F9 works again until next game start.

Forge: 28.1.106
MC: 1.14.4
BBOR: 1.0.14-1.14.4


I'm very sorry to inform you: It still did not work after the next release and I meanwhile solved this by uninstalling this mod.


Odd - I was not able to reproduce the issue in the latest release when I tried - hence closing this issue.

I just tested this with the latest recommended forge build 28.2.0 and the latest version of BBOR and it worked perfectly. Can you confirm what mod filename you have loaded for BBOR?
I wonder if you are having issues because the other mod you are using is conflicting; Can you please let me know what other mods are being used with BBOR.


I re-installed it back again to my single player 1.15.2 installation.


Forge: 1.15.2-31.2.5
Mod using the "b" - key: Xaero's Minimap. The B-key invokes waypoint creation. I had Xaero's mod a long time before bboutline so if it had been the other way around the error would probably never have been seen.

First start:

bboutline is on "b". Hitting "b" after starting up MC invokes BBOutline, not the waypoint menu.
I configured the key for BBOutline to be F9. Yay! Both mods work. Xaero opens the waypoint menu with "b", BBOutline does its things on F9.

Shut down Minecraft.

Second start:

Hitting "b" after starting up MC invokes BBOutline, not the waypoint menu. Looking up the config options shows "F9" for BBOutline. Klick on that option, set it again to "F9". (It was on "F9" - visibly - but now it is truly on "F9") Now - and only now! BBOutline reacts to the F9-key and no more to "b". Until next reload.

As I surely reconfigured the F9-key a 100 times there was a time when I said: Enough.

Normally, I'm much quicker kicking mods but BBOutline was right about the relocation of slime junks after a Forge update on my server. Xaero insisted on the old locations, but there were never slimes again. So I really wanted to keep BBOutline but it hurts too much. As I hope now the error becomes finally fixed I will wait a while and keep it installed.


Okay - I was able to reproduce this issue. Looks like forge do something weird when loading the key settings.


Good Thing you can reproduce that.


Please try this again in 2.3 release


This is fixed in the next release