


[1.12.2] crash when opening bountyboard

xemnes opened this issue · 12 comments


Bug Report

Observed Behaviour

What happened: when opening the bountyboard, i immediately crash.

Crash log:

Expected Behaviour

What should have happened: the bountryboard should open and view bounties.

Minimal setup needed to reproduce

  • Forge version: 2584
  • Bountiful version: 2.2.2
  • Other mods: mods are listed in the crash log

Steps to reproduce

How to recreate this: open the bounty board


Uhhh what's your inventory like? Do you have any mods that affect your inventory size?

You didn't share the full log, and there's no mention of any Bountiful code being ran in what you sent me (besides that it is loaded), so I'm at a bit of a loss. :^)


It would be nice to see that crash log on the serverside! Otherwise, have you messed with the config files at all? I'm really not sure what would be causing a crash there. Honestly, it's not even calling any Bountiful code so it could be another mod. I'd have to see the server log when it crashes to know for certain.


sure, here you go:
config files have not been touched.


Right, so as far as I'm aware: nothing about this log is indicating that it is due to Bountiful at all, even if it's happening when opening a bounty board. The game is fundamentally wrong about the slot count of the GUI that it is receiving from the network when it synchronizes the container, something that should never be happening with Forge.

.. And it doesn't happen in plain Forge! I've never seen this problem before. However, you're not using Forge regularly like everyone else, you're using Mohist. And unfortunately, since the stack trace doesn't point to any particular mod but intead the Forge ItemStackHandler (as dictated by what code Mohist is currently using), I've got to assume that Mohist has some sort of bug here with their Forge implementation.

That being said, it could be something else (something running ASM code? A coremod?), but all indicators lead to an inconsistency between what Forge should be doing and what it is currently doing, probably due to Mohist having to modify the Forge codebase for compatibility with other server implementations.

This means that the fix is unfortunately out of my control. You'll have to file a bug report with them if you want to see any progress made on this.


Well, then if it's not Mohist, it's going to be a coremod or access transformer. You have tons of coremods in your load order:

Forgelin (I guess you need this for Bountiful though)

Any of these mods could also be transforming regular behavior. You should try remove them systemically until you figure out which one is causing Bountiful to work incorrectly.

Otherwise, I'm going to mark this as can-not-reproduce, because I can't seem to reproduce your issue without any other mods installed, like you are suggesting ¯\(ツ)/¯ If I could, it would have been caught during testing, since I obviously test this mod quite a bit before releasing it.

If you could provide a log showing the crash in a modded single player environment with no other mods loaded (besides Shadowfact's Forgelin, of course), that may help.


@xemnes If you could provide the above, that would really help me fix this. :^)


sorry, i never got round to the debugging as i have been rather busy, i will at some point go through each of those mods and see if any of them cause the crash over the weekend


Sounds good. Try test w/o any other mods (besides Forgelin) first, just to be sure. If it's doing it on it's own, that changes a lot!


That could possibly be it :^) there's definitely some code wizardry used in that mod so I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm going to bet that it's not Bountiful but instead some other mod interacting with Bountiful, since nothing indicated that it was due to any Bountiful code. I'm going to close this issue since it doesn't seem to be a problem on our end, but if you are reasonably sure about what mod it is conflicting with, you can respond here and I'll try reproduce it, then file a bug report on their repo.


hmmm, i cant get it to crash with any of those mods added. i do have a hunch though, perhaps its because i go over the id limit maybe? which is why i have notenoughids installed.