


Unlocalized entity names containing colons are marked as invalid entities for bounties

ejektaflex opened this issue · 7 comments


Adding an entity bounty with an unlocalized name such as mocreatures:pandabear seems to be invalid, because an Entity Entry lookup seems to make the assumption that the lookup will only contain one colon as shown here.


Ahh so this is why my custom bounties don't work?


One last question is there a dump or a way to pause the output of /bo entities? When i run the command it only shows half the data because the chat only has so many lines. THANKS!


Perhaps. Did you use "/bo entities" to see what the entity name should be? If the entity name in that list contains a colon, it won't currently work.

I made an assumption that the entity registry's EntityEntries had names that all matched 1:1 with an Entity's name, but it seems that some mod makers defy this assumption (And it's not quite their fault, I don't blame them for using the registry name as the EntityEntry's unlocalized name I suppose....?).

This is a bit tricky to work around right now.


Fixed as of bd5903b. @AdaraChristine, for the next version (v2.0.1) you'll have to provide the entity's registry name instead of it's unlocalized name (entity:lycanitesmobs:eyewig instead of entity:eyewig). The "/bo entities" command now shows these registry names correctly to match.


@AdaraChristine This command does also print the output in the log, so you can view it there!


Thanks! Looking forward to adding your mod to Mystical Village 2 upon your update. Hopefully its this week! :)


Probably! The last feature that I really want to add right now is village generation, so expect it sometime later this week.