Brandon's Core

Brandon's Core


Startup mixin crash (living entity mixin)

border999 opened this issue ยท 13 comments


If your game crashed then there should also be a crash report in the '.minecraft/crash-reports' directory. This usually contains more useful information than the log alone.


I have checked the crash report folder a few times as I repeatedly hit upon this issue. I'm thinking the crash is happening to early in startup to get logged or something. Let me go find the last line real quick


"Process crashed with exit code 1"


Do you have DruidCraft installed? If so that will be the cause.


yep, got that mod. Will report this over there and take Druidcraft out for the time being. Let me test to see if any other issues crop up.


Something to add toy your report.
The issue is we are both adding a

LivingEntity getThis() {
    return (LivingEntity)this;

method in our LivingEntityMixin. But mine is public and theirs is private which is resulting in a mixin conflict.
But I'm not sure which is actually 'correct' yet.


for my own curiosity. Can you make heads or tails of this crash report I just got?


crash-2023-02-12_18.35.25-client.txt for my own curiosity. Can you make heads or tails of this crash report I just got?

Ratehr hard to say for sure. But i think betterf3's DebugOptionMixin is adding something to the minecraft Options class that is truing to access a private field in the main Minecraft class resulting in a crash.


Found it! Its OptionsMixin from UnionLib.
Specifically this like right here.

The odd thing is this line in their access transformer should ensure that crash does not happen. They are doing everything correctly as far as i can tell. But for some reason their access transformer must not have been applied.


Ok, I am going to take the blame for this one. According to a friend of mine who is a mixin expert my method should be private. So I will fix this on my end.

To be fair it was that same mixin expert that helped me figure out my mixins in the first place so the blame isn't entirely on me xD

