Brass's Armory

Brass's Armory


Melee Weapons Checklist

JMilamber opened this issue ยท 1 comments


BattleAxe: (DerToaster)

  • can be thrown 4 blocks [thrust and velocity stuff]
  • entity sprite of the battleaxe spins slowly forwards as it flies through the air
  • sticks into a wall like an arrow
  • plays deeper pitched trident noise for the wide blade 'whoosh'
  • flies back to the player if it hits an enemy while enchanted with 'loyalty'
  • battleaxe spins back to the player when returning the same way it was thrown
  • can smash down wooden doors if gold/wood/stone/iron
  • can smash down iron doors if diamond/netherite
  • throw has a 5-second cooldown

Spear: (DerToaster)

  • reach = +1
  • can be thrown 12 blocks [thrust and velocity stuff]
  • entity sprite of the spear flies forwards enemies
  • sticks into a wall like an arrow
  • uses trident throw sound
  • flies back to the player if it hits an enemy while enchanted with 'loyalty'
  • flies tip pointed at the player in a return flight
  • no cooldown on throw

Dagger: (DerToaster)

  • reach = -1
  • can be thrown 8 blocks [thrust and velocity stuff]
  • entity sprite of the dagger spins forwards as it flies through the air
  • sticks into a wall like an arrow
  • plays 'weapon_toss' .ogg which needs to be trimmed to remove the delay
  • flies back to the player if it hits an enemy while enchanted with 'loyalty'
  • dagger does not spin and instead flies tip to point at the player in a return flight
  • no cooldown on throw

Flail: (DerToaster)

  • can be thrown 6 blocks [thrust and velocity stuff] in a straight line
  • entity sprite of the flail flies forwards enemies
  • bounces off walls
  • no cooldown on throw
  • has a line of chain texture behind it
  • flail does melee damage by left-clicking as well


  • reach= +2
  • right click to activate guard [resistance]
  • resistance 1 for wood/gold/stone
  • resistance 2 for iron/diamond
  • resistance 3 for netherite
  • guard only works if halberd remains in hand
  • swapping hands end the effect
  • effect lasts 10 seconds with a 20 second cooldown after it ends
  • if hands are swapped, remaining time is added to cooldown [max 30]
  • consumes 10 durability

Mace: (Jodi - 1.18)

  • charge by holding right-click until max [3 seconds]
  • release to perform AoE smash
  • damage is based on the crit damage of the tier of the weapon
  • 30-second cooldown upon use
  • does not break blocks
  • deals knockback to push away enemies [4 blocks]
  • consumes 10 durability

Fully implemented