


Increase the distance from where you can see the barrier

SireOfTheQuags opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the feature you have in mind.

Just an option to increase the range that allows you to see how far the barrier extends. With the current way it's implemented I have to literally run circles around my base to see if it is fully covered. It would be nice if it just always showed the flame barrier whenever you hold the torch, no matter how far away from it you are.

Does this solve a particular problem?

Being extremely tedious to check if your entire base is covered.


I could increase it by a couple of blocks, or even make the range configurable (if that's not already the case), but it will get very laggy very quick, because it's using particles


Just a config option to allow you to see it wherever, no matter how far away you are from it while holding the torch would be more than enough. That way people can themselves choose how far away they want to be able to see it.