Better Recipe Books (+ Smithing Tables, Brewing Stands)

Better Recipe Books (+ Smithing Tables, Brewing Stands)


Add an option to keep the tabs centered even with recipe book open

JumperREDACTED opened this issue ยท 3 comments


There are quite a few mods that let you keep your inventory centered like better recipe book or centered inventory, just looks weird.



If anything this is the other mod's responsibility, but if you want me to add specific compatibility with it you will have to tell me what that mod even is


If anything this is the other mod's responsibility, but if you want me to add specific compatibility with it you will have to tell me what that mod even is
The mod im using is Better Recipe Book.
I was thinking you could just add a config option or something to manually make the tabs not go right when the recipe book is open, since that seemed easier to me and there are multiple mods that center the inventory like that. But now I realize this mod doesn't have any configs or anything yet so idk.

Ok so in my 3am wisdom I apparently opened the issue on the other repo than I thought, sorry about that lol.


it makes a lot more sense now